Lickitung Pokemon

about me

Hi! My name is Sophie and I am a researcher, teacher, girlblogger, and digital ecosystem explorer, navigating the intricate webs of the online realm.

I am based at the Weibel Institute for Digital Cultures at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. My research is interdisciplinary and spans the fields of media theory, critical posthumanism, post-apocalyptic narratives, and contemporary art. I am determined to unearth the symbiotic relations between technology, culture, and the environment. Recently, I am researching network spirituality, cuteness & the Girl Online as well as schizoposting content.

I wrote my doctoral dissertation, The Sympoietic Life of Internet Memes, with Peter Weibel and Clemens Apprich in 2023. The thesis explores the dynamics of internet memes and digital cultures with a focus on planetarity and the interconnections between living and non-living beings, and I like to frame my approach to media discourse from an eco-digital perspective. You can find a PDF version here under >texts if you're interested!

In my free time, I enjoy photography, video gaming, and the movies, particularly science fiction and horror. I am also a cat mom of two beautiful kitties that guide me on my ways across the internet.

If you are also interested in memes and digital cultures or just want to get in touch, feel free to contact me anytime!