Lickitung Pokemon




with Nora O Murchu, Nelly Y. Pinkrah, Michelle Pfeifer, Johannes Bruder, Clemens Apprich, Denise Helene Sumi and Mikkel Rorbo

Die ASchool verfolgt das Ziel eine kritische Paedagogik durch die aktive Einbeziehung von Kuenstler:innen, Aktivist:innen, Student:innen und Forscher:innen zu foerdern. Durch den Einsatz von Open-Source-Infrastrukturen, experimentellen Ansaetzen und der aktiven Einbeziehung lokaler Partner wird die ASchool Rahmenbedingungen fuer neue Lehrplaene und Lernumgebungen schaffen, die spaeter an Partnereinrichtungen des Netzwerks umgesetzt werden.

as part of transmediale 2024

HKW Berlin

We are all Girls on the Internet: Constructing Girlhood Online

with Charlotte Reuss

We encounter discourse on the girl online on the daily: From bimbo feminism, a movement subverting intersectional feminism with the female stereotype of the 'dumb blonde', to the playful depictions of girlhood in Greta Gerwig's film Barbie (2023) to the revealing narratives of TikTok trends such as Girl Dinner, we want to analyze 'The Girl Online's' ironic facade challenging gender social norms through ironic naivete, hyperfemininity, and self-determined sexuality.

University of Applied Arts Vienna

Dilemma Salon: Cem A. aka @freeze_magazine and Sophie Publig

what do internet memes have to do with climate change? we will discuss dilemma rhetorics and the media language of memes, their relation to the field of biology, digital consumption, and whether memes can be tactically used to raise awareness for environmental issues.

moderated by Laleh Pourkhatee Monsef

as part of Klima Biennale Wien

Festivalareal Nordwestbahnhof


Memes, Digital Cultures, and the Epic Quest for Social Change

A lecture on the history of memes highlighting the intertwinement of creativity and collaboration. Are memes a new form of coming-together in the virtual world?

Memes, Digital Cultures, and the Epic Quest for Social Change

as part of the conference Virtu(real) Playgrounds: How to Digitally Expand a City at University of Applied Arts Vienna